Dickinsonian, June 4, 1921

A tablet honoring the 810 Dickinsonian World War I veterans is unveiled, as are plans to build Memorial Hall inside of Old West. Bishop Ernest Richardson is announced as the speaker for the Hall's dedication service. Bishop Charles Burns and former president George L. Reed are announced as speakers for Commencement, scheduled for the Sunday after publication. The track team finishes fourth in the first annual Central Pennsylvania College Conference. New rushing rules and the list of students to receive honors are published.


Dickinsonian, January 13, 1904

Dickinson defeats Swarthmore in debate, the Carlisle Indian School Band is a great success at the Opera House, and Pi Beta Phi is officially established at Dickinson with 15 members.


Dickinsonian, March 11, 1903

Annual Mid-Winter Sports event is held.  L. Wellington Johnson, Elmer L. Williams and Frank P. Fleegal of the Union Philosophical Society defeat Thomas J. Towers, George L. Reed and George E. Mark of Belles Lettres in the annual inter-society debate on a question of arbitration in strikes.  The Dickinson Library Guild petitions the Board of Trustees for approval of its existence and work.  Union Philosophical Society elects officers.
