Dickinsonian, September 2, 1982

The college adds a fifth sorority, Kappa Alpha Theta, after almost a year of discussion on whether or not to add another sorority. Once again the college faces over-enrollment, but Admissions director Larry Mench proclaims that due to room adjustments there will be no artificial crowding. The new Arts Center is set to open six months early and will open with a Dickinson Arts Award show. The Washington Redskins have held their twentieth training camp at Dickinson this past summer.


Dickinsonian, July 16, 1968

The PEER group for underprivileged Carlisle children visited Gettysburg battlefield, where they re-enacted Pickett's Charge, and the State Capitol as part of their summer program. Professor Henry Hanson's geology students traveled to Iceland to study volcanic sedimentation. The grant the college received from the Ford Foundation, which guarantees a dollar for every three dollars donated to the college, is nearing its mark. Dr. Vytautas Kavolis, a Dickinson Anthropology professor, finished work on a Sociology text. The ROTC heads at Dickinson departed for duty overseas.
