Dickinsonian, September 2, 1982

The college adds a fifth sorority, Kappa Alpha Theta, after almost a year of discussion on whether or not to add another sorority. Once again the college faces over-enrollment, but Admissions director Larry Mench proclaims that due to room adjustments there will be no artificial crowding. The new Arts Center is set to open six months early and will open with a Dickinson Arts Award show. The Washington Redskins have held their twentieth training camp at Dickinson this past summer.


Dickinsonian, February 4, 1988

Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity has been revoked of its party privileges for the month of February due to sexual harassment allegations by female students and other violations on alcohol. Rumors have arose about Sigma Alpha Epsilon possibly losing the rights to Biddle House, where they currently live. The Director of Admissions, J. Larry Mench, is working to set the target number of students admitted next year between 530 and 550 in order to divert potential housing crises. Sharon Schultheiss is this year's winner of the Emil R.


Dickinsonian, September 22, 1977

In this issue, an over-enrollment crisis forced the College to look elsewhere for housing, selecting a place called "Dickinson West." Dickinson begins a search for more "minority" professionals, and gains Butch Barnham for the Counseling and Admissions offices. Students give opinions on the Panama Canal Treaty. Men's soccer and women's field hockey prepares for their first games of the season.


Dickinsonian, August 2, 1968

Students and Faculty traveling to India stop over in London before flying Air India to India. Coeds at the college opposed the pope's ruling against contraceptive pills. The National Science Foundation granted $171,500 to Dickinson for research. Carlisle residents were split over the issue of stricter gun controls. A Coed goes to the ROTC training camp in Fort Indiantown Gap to report on the conditions and practices of the camp. Mayor Lindsay is still vying for the Republican Nomination.


Dickinsonian, May 11, 1962

In this issue of the Dickinsonian 308 incoming freshmen were selected by Board of Admissions. Jackson property to be converted into dormitory for men studying Honors. Mermaid Players present "My Three Angels". Pres. Rubendall discusses new Dining Facilities. Faculty approve IFC rush rules. The Music Department present "H.M.S. Pinafore". John McConnell to speak at Graduation Commencement. D-book to be replaced with "The Mermaid's Tale". Campus Organizations elect officers. Student Senate discusses revision of class elections. Black Hats choose ten junior men.
