Dickinsonian, January 30, 2008

The Multi-Organizational Board announces alternative rock band Brand New as its Spring 2008 concert selection.  Stephanie Balmer is chosen as the new Dean of Admissions falling the resignation of Seth Allen in 2007.  Kappa Sigma mounts a return to the campus community after being suspended in 2004.  Over winter break, the Alliance for Aquatic Resource Monitoring (ALLARM) has a successful trip to Thailand.


Dickinsonian, March 4, 2005

Cogan Fellows - a fellowship sponsored by the College - discuss with English majors the career possibilities for English majors. The Woman's Rugby Team comprised of Dickinsonians does not receive support from the College; however, they form a Carlisle community team called the Carlisle Hellbenders. Phi Kappa Sigma, although suspended, is permitted to continue organizing their philanthropic events. Stem Cell Research issue to be debated at a free public symposium. Alumnus profile on Courtney Piron '89. Club spotlight on The Sisterhood. Women's Track wins the Centennial Conference.


Dickinsonian, February 25, 2005

Issue includes articles on the decrease of the faculty course load - one aim to attract more distinguished professors. Several current campus issues caused increased turmoil within Student Senate. Keynote speaker at Commencement announced: Pennsylvania Governor, Ed Rendell. Phi Kappa Sigma fraternity suspended, and several letters to the editor dispute the issue. Spotlight on the Racquet Club. Alumnus profile on Peter Reilly '88. Women's basketball wins the Centennial Conference. Spotlight on student athlete, Meg Shelley '05.


Dickinsonian, February 4, 1988

Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity has been revoked of its party privileges for the month of February due to sexual harassment allegations by female students and other violations on alcohol. Rumors have arose about Sigma Alpha Epsilon possibly losing the rights to Biddle House, where they currently live. The Director of Admissions, J. Larry Mench, is working to set the target number of students admitted next year between 530 and 550 in order to divert potential housing crises. Sharon Schultheiss is this year's winner of the Emil R.


Dickinsonian, February 16, 1962

Phi Kappa Psi suspended due to rushing violations. Dr. C. Arnold Hanson, president of Gettysburg College to speak at Dickinson scholarship dinner. Mermaid Players expect sell-out house for their production of Othello. Ground Breaking Ceremony of new women's dormitory on South College took place. Chuck Wagner elected president of the Interfraternity Council. Prof. William H. Wishmeyer speaks with poet Ezra Pound. Bosler Library displays a selection of once-banned books. Prof. Horlacher writes of his journey in Japan. Foreign students discuss their studies abroad.

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