Dickinsonian, March 4, 2005

Cogan Fellows - a fellowship sponsored by the College - discuss with English majors the career possibilities for English majors. The Woman's Rugby Team comprised of Dickinsonians does not receive support from the College; however, they form a Carlisle community team called the Carlisle Hellbenders. Phi Kappa Sigma, although suspended, is permitted to continue organizing their philanthropic events. Stem Cell Research issue to be debated at a free public symposium. Alumnus profile on Courtney Piron '89. Club spotlight on The Sisterhood. Women's Track wins the Centennial Conference.


Dickinsonian, September 21, 2001

Students and faculty unite to cope in the wake of the September 11th attacks. A community gathering was held at the Anita Tuvin Schlechter Auditorium. Many opinion pieces were written about the September 11th attacks. Gary Greenberg performs his comedy routine in the Depot. The Goodyear Building is opened for senior housing. The "New Science Building" is renamed "Tome" while the old Tome building is renamed "Stern."
