Dickinsonian, October 15, 2009

Author and political activist, Jonathan Kozol speaks in ATS. Dickinson develops graduate partnerships. The Trout Gallery unveils a famous Benjamin Rush portrait. Dickinson hosts large discussion on coverage of legal courts. Jive Turkeys win the Tenth Annual JiveFest. Students march for Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transgender rights. Women's Soccer defeats Juniata. Cross Country performs well at DeSales Invitational.


Dickinsonian, November 19, 2008

Antonio Banderas to visit the college. Distant connection found between Justice Gabriel Duvall, who funded the construction of Old West, and President Barack Obama. Petition for sexual orientation to be added to Dickinson's non-discrimination policy. Delta Sigma Phi and Delta Sigma Theta hold a fundraiser in Old West. Third Degree Steppers win at Apollo Night. Susannah Barlow becomes the Women's Center director. The Department of Theatre and Dance will present the Freshmen Plays. Men and Women's cross country teams secure places in the NCAA Divisions III championships.


Dickinsonian, November 12, 2008

Notes about the Lupe Fiasco concert. Senate considers student-run shuttle service. President William G. Durden gives his annual "State of the College" address. Article on Tony's Pastry Shop. Shane L. Windmeya speaks about LGBT and Greek life. Changes to policy concerning religious holidays. Jive Turkeys help clean up highways. Presentation on the hazards of smoking. CollegeHumor to perform. Update on the upcoming Apollo Night.


Dickinsonian, February 27, 2008

Politically active students ban together to create a Dickinson chapter of Students for Barack Obama.  A Middle Eastern Studies major is approved.  The Clarke Center sponsors a transnational gender and sexuality panel.  Columnist Moustapha Minte demystifies the concept of the "Ugly American".  Travis Apgar, Dean of Students at Cornell University, comes to Dickinson to discuss hazing.
