Dickinsonian, March 12, 1981

The Dickinsonian is awarded All-American status by the National Scholastic Press Association for the third semester in a row. Dr. Donald Knuth wins Priestley Award. Issue of special interest housing is discussed at Student Affairs committee meeting. New Policy and Management Studies Program is approved by the faculty. Duke University Professor Robert Entman speaks to students about sensationalist journalism. Four fraternities strongly consider the option of moving out of the quadrangle. Denny Hall celebrates anniversary of reconstruction. The Claude Kipnis mimists perform at Dickinson.


Dickinsonian, September 4, 1980

Dickinson College is the recipient of the $250,000 grant from The Kresge Foundation. New security system added to Boyd Lee Spahr Library to prevent theft of books. Dickinsonian is awarded All-American status by the National Scholastic Press Association and the Associated College Press. Orientation activities take place. Convocation held for the first time in newly constructed Kline Center. Sally Porter hired as Dickinson's first female campus police officer. Sellers House converted into residence building. 379 W. Louther St. and 152 S. Pitt St. are purchased by the College for housing.
