Dickinsonian, November 17, 1967

Dave Brubeck Quartet is slated to perform this Friday night in the Carlisle Senior High School gymnasium. Eric Rundbaken will take over duties as the news editor for the Dickinsonian for the remainder of the semester. Phi Epsilon Pi puts on Fall Auto Rallye. United Telephone Company proposes a system in which a telephone would be placed in every room. A profile of the Open Door shows a vital creative pulse within the Dickinson community. Dickinson group Charlotte's Web is set to play at Holy Communion ceremony. Alphi Chi Rho presents financial contribution to new Spahr library.


Dickinsonian, December 9, 1966

At its monthly meeting, faculty members make policy changes regarding sorority rush, course offerings and fraternity/sorority discrimination. Board of Trustees agrees to reevaluate architecture proposal after a day-long meeting. Arthur Platt, Executive Assistant to the President, and Jeffrey Baron, Chairman of the Committee for Better Architecture, discuss their views on the architecture dispute. The December 5 Student Senate meeting is overviewed. Bologna program reviewed in part by participant Eric Rundbaken. Fraternities and faculty agree on date and rules of Greek rush.

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