Dickinsonian, August 9, 1968

Students on the year-long Bologna program returned to campus with resident director Prof. Eugene Rossi, while a new group is sailing to Bologna to start their year-long program with Prof. Paul Angiolillo. Charlotte's Web, a rock band made up of Dickinson students is receiving acclaim for their work in New York. The article from last week regarding the Community Action Program and Ferdinand Jones continues to this week's issue. Lynn Myers wrote a seemingly joking article regarding a thief in the Biology Building being caught by a man clad in green underwear.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, February 16, 1968

The Back Alley Quintet is set to perform on Valentine Weekend in the Social Hall. Nine candidates for the various Student Senate positions unveiled their campaigns in the last week. The IFC held a series of lectures on fraternity life. Dean Gillespie announced that students over the age of 21 could now live in off-campus housing, under certain stipulations. The Rococo Company "Baroque" group is set to perform this weekend. A "moderate epidemic" of German measles arrived on campus, affecting twenty students, according to a nurses report.


Dickinsonian, November 17, 1967

Dave Brubeck Quartet is slated to perform this Friday night in the Carlisle Senior High School gymnasium. Eric Rundbaken will take over duties as the news editor for the Dickinsonian for the remainder of the semester. Phi Epsilon Pi puts on Fall Auto Rallye. United Telephone Company proposes a system in which a telephone would be placed in every room. A profile of the Open Door shows a vital creative pulse within the Dickinson community. Dickinson group Charlotte's Web is set to play at Holy Communion ceremony. Alphi Chi Rho presents financial contribution to new Spahr library.


Dickinsonian, November 3, 1967

A detailed description of the night's homecoming activities is presented, with historian Dr. Henry Steele Commager's speech slated as the headlining event. The Mermaid Players are slated to present their first play of the year, "A Man for All Seasons". John Ogdon, a pianist from New York City, is scheduled to play in the Carlisle Junior High School Auditorium on November 6th. Professor Ken Laws assists NICAP in study of UFOs in the Carlisle-Harrisburg region. The Dickinsonian announces a "turtle trot" race.


Dickinsonian, October 27, 1967

Homecoming schedule presented. The annual military ball is presented by the Dickinson R.O.T.C. Corps of Cadets. The Open Door sponsors a "love-in" dance, an alternative to the military ball. Temple University Orchestra set to play in the Holland Union Building at the invitation of the Student Senate Cultural Affairs Committee. The practice of athletes cutting class for sporting events is under scrutiny. Story regarding Kana Van Pelt's experience in Fairbanks flood continues from the previous week. Kate Chopin's "The Awakening" is reviewed.
