Dickinsonian, February 9, 1968

Professor Larry Warner encourages student participation in a Labor's United Worker's strike at the on the Carlisle Tire and Rubber Company, and 30 to 75 students did participate in the participate in the protest outside of the factory. Dickinson received a loan from the Department of Housing and Urban Development for a new dormitory. Peter Frankl, the Hungarian pianist, is slated to play Friday night at Carlisle High School.


Dickinsonian, February 2, 1968

The Public Affairs Symposium is bringing in four television professionals for February 4-7. The Magnificent Men are set to perform a concert to commemorate the end of rush season. An announcement for nomination for student senate is included. Representatives from the college study the curriculum of Beloit College. The Cultural Affairs Committee will sponsor a concert with opera, rock, and choral music. William Bloodgood, comptroller of the college, promises greater economy with better quality of service for the school.


Dickinsonian, November 3, 1967

A detailed description of the night's homecoming activities is presented, with historian Dr. Henry Steele Commager's speech slated as the headlining event. The Mermaid Players are slated to present their first play of the year, "A Man for All Seasons". John Ogdon, a pianist from New York City, is scheduled to play in the Carlisle Junior High School Auditorium on November 6th. Professor Ken Laws assists NICAP in study of UFOs in the Carlisle-Harrisburg region. The Dickinsonian announces a "turtle trot" race.
