Dickinsonian, October 14, 1982

BACCHUS (Boost Alcohol Consciousness Concerning the Health of University Students) works to clear up misconceptions about their relatively new organization on campus. Three College-owned houses violated a 1976 zoning ordinance, which stated that no more than three unrelated people may live together in a single housing unit in a residential district. A new and continuing series was started at the College titled, "The Metzger Series," which will be used to introduce women to career possibilities. From observation, it appears that students attending worship services is on the rise.


Dickinsonian, November 7, 1984

Dickinson's nascent computer science program suffers from increased incidence of vandalism to computer terminals, thefts. Thousands of dollars of damage done with computer science staff working intently on repairs. Pass-Fail grades reviewed at national level; Dickinson policies on pass-fail investigated. College Democrats and Republicans debate presidential election of 1984 through Union Philosophical Society. Homecoming Weekend a success, opportunity for marking the 100th Anniversary of female students at Dickinson. Gamma Phi Beta sorority win's President's Cup.


Dickinsonian, October 31, 1984

The Dickinsonian wades into the local and national political debate with profiles, analysis, and endorsements. Campaign for the Pennsylvania House of Representatives reviewed, candidates John Broujos and Earl Keller interviewed. The Dickinsonian endorses Walter Mondale for U.S. presidency. College Democrats and College Republicans debate presidential election in print. Democratic Party profiled, lauded. Metzger Series marks 100th anniversary of coeducation at Dickinson with speaker series.


Dickinsonian, October 20, 1983

The Second Annual Metzger Series opens with a focus on acquainting Dickinson women with possible career opportunities. Homecoming Weekend attracts 1000 alumni. Student Senate will begin broadcasting pilots on the Carlisle Cable Company's channel 13. The Health Center's "Wellness Week" will focus on personal fitness. The President's Cup award goes to Beta Theta Pi fraternity during halftime of the homecoming football game. The Trout Gallery opens a permanent collection on homecoming weekend that has never been displayed in its entirety. Songfest features student acts.
