Dickinsonian, September 28, 2006

Both Carlisle residents and Dickinson students complain about noise levels in Residence Halls and at parties such as a dry one that was recently broken up at the Arts Haüs. President William Durden launches Dickinson's "First in America" capital campaign. Funds from this campaign will go toward faculty development, the Rector Science Complex, strengthening endowment and expanding the scholarship program.


Dickinsonian, December 5, 1984

The Faculty Committee on Personnel redesigns student course evaluations, focusing on gaining both quantitative and qualitative information from students. Library criticized as missing the mark on collection breadth and availability, facility design. Union Station to feature pizza-making option; Food Service hopes to compete with local pizzerias. Dangers of stress profiled, along with de-stressing tips. East Asian Studies Major established, Neil B. Weissman and Harry D. Krebs interviewed. Summer courses offered in England, focus is on History of England and English theater.


Dickinsonian, October 31, 1984

The Dickinsonian wades into the local and national political debate with profiles, analysis, and endorsements. Campaign for the Pennsylvania House of Representatives reviewed, candidates John Broujos and Earl Keller interviewed. The Dickinsonian endorses Walter Mondale for U.S. presidency. College Democrats and College Republicans debate presidential election in print. Democratic Party profiled, lauded. Metzger Series marks 100th anniversary of coeducation at Dickinson with speaker series.
