Dickinsonian, May 19, 2007
In less than a year, the First in America Capital Campaign launched by President William Durden raises over half of its target goal. The class of 2007 says goodbye to Dickinson.
In less than a year, the First in America Capital Campaign launched by President William Durden raises over half of its target goal. The class of 2007 says goodbye to Dickinson.
Dickinson Dining Services refutes the rumor that they put laxatives in their food as doing so would cause major issues with the state. As a response to Penn State's regulation of Greek parties, Dickinson's Interfraternity and Panhellenic Councils consider such reforms as registering parties to prevent run-ins with public safety or the police. The First in America campaign makes its off-campus debut, beginning with its Philadelphia launch. Dickinson participates in the nationwide "Up 'til Dawn" campaign to raise money for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.
Both Carlisle residents and Dickinson students complain about noise levels in Residence Halls and at parties such as a dry one that was recently broken up at the Arts Haüs. President William Durden launches Dickinson's "First in America" capital campaign. Funds from this campaign will go toward faculty development, the Rector Science Complex, strengthening endowment and expanding the scholarship program.