Dickinsonian, March 13, 1985

College uses grant from Charles A. Dana Foundation to establish academic employment for students according to their particular interests. Phi Kappa Psi loses social privileges, required to pay $3000 fine in punishment for hazing, among other regulatory violations. College Chaplain Mary Ann Morefield, senior Kathie Hullfish, and Prof. Tommie Sue Montgomery to visit Nicaragua and El Salvador on research mission. Prospect of colonizing a sixth sorority to be reconsidered. New group on campus promotes campus activities alternative to Greek-sponsored events.

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Dickinsonian, October 31, 1984

The Dickinsonian wades into the local and national political debate with profiles, analysis, and endorsements. Campaign for the Pennsylvania House of Representatives reviewed, candidates John Broujos and Earl Keller interviewed. The Dickinsonian endorses Walter Mondale for U.S. presidency. College Democrats and College Republicans debate presidential election in print. Democratic Party profiled, lauded. Metzger Series marks 100th anniversary of coeducation at Dickinson with speaker series.
