Dickinsonian, February 18, 1982

the Public Affairs Symposium's topic this year was "Human Rights" and the keynote speaker this year was Hodding Carter III, former Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs. Candidates for Student Senate are featured in an article. Dave Levitt studied abroad in various locations in the Far East for a semester and gives advice to readers. Dave Freysinger has become the new leading scorer for basketball. The Women's Basketball team has made Dickinson history by competing in the Middle Atlantic Conference's tournament.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, February 11, 1982

The Kline Center, which has been open for four semesters, is undergoing maintenance for various areas that are damaged due to design problems. The Metzger Series, aimed at introducing Dickinson women to successful female alumnae, since it is considered that there are few female role models on campus. Dave Freysinger, a senior basketball player, is twelve points away from breaking the College's all-time scoring record. An article discusses the pros and cons of sorority life. The College added a new sports organization, Women's Squash Club.
