Dickinsonian, November 1890
There is agitation over the question of whether to admit female students to the literary societies. Charles Sewell Weech, '93, dies. Sigma Alpha Epsilon opens a chapter at Dickinson.
There is agitation over the question of whether to admit female students to the literary societies. Charles Sewell Weech, '93, dies. Sigma Alpha Epsilon opens a chapter at Dickinson.
Orchestra instruments to be provided for several Dickinson College students. Pan-Hellenic party held to welcome freshman women and transfers.
The Athletic Association elects a new president, but protests the lack of publicity regarding the elections, blaming Student Senate for the poor turnout. The Biology department, under the leadership of Elmer Herber and the Mohler Scientific Club, presents three films relating to the study of cancer but are interdisciplinary. At the faculty meeting it is decided that preliminary examinations will be done away with beginning immediately to lessen the work for both students and their professors.
In response to the withdrawal from political cliques by two fraternities in the prior week, Theta Chi endorses a move for a reform of on campus politics. The freshmen women of Metzger Hall with a B average are rewarded with the freedom to go out on all nights of the week exluding Monday, on which all students are bound to their living quarters.
Student Senate amends its constitution. Faculty denies Student Senate request for coeds to be permitted to visit fraternity houses without chaperones. Freshmen win women's interclass basketball tournament.
A short history of the traditional Doll Show and dance appears in anticipation of the year's event. The Upsilon Circle of the Omicron Delta Kappa society taps a total of 8 men, 6 seniors and 2 juniors. Dickinson's women plan a party for the underprivileged children of Carlisle. Dickinson holds a small display of Cervantes works in the library. A new system is introduced for managerial awards and honors for college sports.
Professor of English Charles L. Swift retires. Enrollment rises above 900 for the first time in college history. A massive reappraisal project is undertaken to include all academic departments and extra-curricular activities. Significant changes are made to attendance, grading, and vacation policies. Dr. Amos B. Horlacher becomes the first Dean of Men. A short discussion of student senate election policies appears in a letter to the editor. Course offering are expanded to include Russian, art, architecture and several new professors are hired.
The story from the previous week's issue regarding Jeri Yaverbaum's trip to ROTC camp continues. Prof. Richard Wanner assumed the position of Dean of Dickinson College. Members of the Dickinson community were hoping that their Community Action Plan would improve town-gown relations for the coming year. The Summer Theater productions, including "23" and "Impromptu", achieved critical aclaim.