Dickinsonian, August 6, 1968

The story from the previous week's issue regarding Jeri Yaverbaum's trip to ROTC camp continues. Prof. Richard Wanner assumed the position of Dean of Dickinson College. Members of the Dickinson community were hoping that their Community Action Plan would improve town-gown relations for the coming year. The Summer Theater productions, including "23" and "Impromptu", achieved critical aclaim.


Dickinsonian, August 2, 1968

Students and Faculty traveling to India stop over in London before flying Air India to India. Coeds at the college opposed the pope's ruling against contraceptive pills. The National Science Foundation granted $171,500 to Dickinson for research. Carlisle residents were split over the issue of stricter gun controls. A Coed goes to the ROTC training camp in Fort Indiantown Gap to report on the conditions and practices of the camp. Mayor Lindsay is still vying for the Republican Nomination.


Dickinsonian, June 18, 1968

The Board of Trustees announced the chairmen of academic departments, promotions, and tenure extensions. The one hundredth anniversary of the Central PA Conference of United Methodist Churches is set to take place at Dickinson from June 19 through June 23. Jeri Yaverbaum, Co-coordinator of summer student activities, has many trips and activities planned for students staying over the summer on campus. The Board of Trustees approved a $5 increase in the student Comprehensive Fee.

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