Dickinsonian, April 19, 1968

Dean Samuel Magill resigned as Dean of the College. Dick Gregory is scheduled to speak during Parent's Weekend in a College Lecture Series program. Dean Gillespie announced that Malcolm Hall will remain an independent men's dormitory. The "Sam and Dave Concert" will perform for the beginning of Spring Weekend. Arthure Hoppe wrote an opinion piece entitled "The Liberal Man Makes it to Heaven on Humility". The IFC decided to shorten the time period allotted for rush and create a hearing board for rush violations. WDCV institutes some changes as the radio station ushers in FM broadcasting.


Dickinsonian, October 27, 1961

$2 goal set for Campus Chest fundraiser. Biographical information on President Rubendall is given; inauguration ceremony plan highlighted. Newton Aiken, editor of Baltimore's Evening Sun, to speak. Campus movement to reinstate lacrosse gains momentum. Ravi Shankar performance reviewed. Phi Delta Epsilon selects new members. Summer improvements cost $30,000.


Dickinsonian, October 13, 1961

Rubendall advocates new Student Union. Ravi Shankar to speak at Cultural Affairs program. Reverend Lester Welliver and Doctor Cornelius Kruse to speak. College bookstore is too small according to Assistant Treasurer George Bubletz. Committee of Academic Policy, Program, and Practice to undertake survey of curriculum. Debate council opens season. Military Science department to recreate Civil War battle. Results of the Prof-Coed basketball game. Zeta Tau Alpha will celebrate Founder's Day October 14th. Rushing rules under debate.
