Dickinsonian, February 27, 1920

Freshmen do not hold a parade on Washington's Birthday.  Phi Kappa Psi house is burglarized.  Girls' Dramatic Club performs "Powder and Patches".  Belles Lettres celebrates its 134th anniversary.  Intercollegiate debate team loses to Lafayette.  Phi Delta Theta holds annual dance.  Phi Kappa Psi celebrates its founders' day.  Harman Literary Society elects officers; Sadie Mindlin is president. 

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Dickinsonian, February 9, 1910

Celebrations for Washington's Birthday are planned.  Phi Delta Theta holds its annual dance in the Armory.  A senior writes a letter to the editor on the deplorable state of the bathing facilities in the gymnasium.  Essays to compete for membership on the Dickinsonian board due soon.  Applicants are reminded that the positions require hard work.  Gaps left in baseball schedule because Carlisle Indian School not playing in 1910.

Note: Pages 5 and 6 are missing from the only copy of this edition known to exist.


Dickinsonian, February 24, 1909

Summary of Washington's birthday celebration. Sophomores win the annual Sophomore-Freshmen basketball game. Phi Delta Theta dance. Freshmen hold a smoker. James N. Brown will address the college.


Dickinsonian, October 7, 1908

Bryan League organized in Prettyman Hall. Installation of Mergenthaler Linotype Machine for the Dickinsonian. Third Section banquet. Preliminaries for Inter-Collegiate Debate Team held in Denny Hall. Pr0fessor Charles Hilliard lecture. Female members of the Carlisle Indian School entertained the women Dickinson's Y. W. C. A.. Old West banquet. Phi Delta Theta dance. Intercollegiate Lawn Tennis Association tournament.


Dickinsonian, November 2, 1900

Sigma Alpha Epsilon holds a reception. Phi Delta Theta holds a dance in the Assembly Hall. Phi Kappa Psi holds a German in the Assembly Hall. A chafing-dish party is held. A Republican meeting for students was held in Bosler Hall.

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