Dickinsonian, April 16, 1920

Philomel Club gives concert.  Proposed plan for reorganizing Student Senate is refined.  Students participate in annual cross country race.  YMCA, YWCA, BLS, and UPS elect officers.  Chi Omega holds annual Founders' Day dance.  G. Hurst Paul, '21, wins first prize in the Dickinsonian's short story contest. 


Dickinsonian, May 4, 1933

The Student Social Committee has finished its report on social rules at Dickinson and it will be considered at the next meeting of this committee and the Faculty Social Committee. Parents are especially invited to visit on Mother's Day. More work is put into the plans and preparations of the pageant celebrating the Sesquicentennial. Eligibility for awarding Varsity Letters is modified. The Men's Senate decides that elections for the senate will be held in a modified form of the traditional methods, despite all of the criticism students have given this process.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, March 9, 1933

Summary of events planned for upcoming various Dickinson Clubs' banquets. Basic schedule of the upcoming all-girls field day, which includes girls from other area colleges and universities. Description of frog dissections in Biology Lab. The Interfraternity Council denies the petitions of two Jewish fraternities who wished to be allowed on campus. Play-pageant based on the history of Dickinson is planned as a commencement activity for the sesquicentennial. Swarthmore girls vote to get rid of sororities. Phi Kappa Sigma awarded trophy for the interfraternity boxing championship.
