Dickinsonian, February 21, 1906

The annual banquet of the Baltimore Alumni of Dickinson College is held, presenting the progress of the College over the years. The evening ends with the presentation of $1000 to President Reed to be spent in whatever he considers the College's best interests. The Union Philosophical Literary Society celebrates its  one-hundred-and-seventeenth anniversary. 


Dickinsonian, February 8, 1911

Exceptionally large attendance at the Deutscher Verein meeting. Dr. William Prettyman, abroad in Germany, publishes article. Baltimore Alumni hold banquet. Carlisle alumni criticized for inactivity. Shearer's Drug Store Literary prize awarded. Y.M.C.A. to bring in a Drum and Fife duo to perform.


Dickinsonian, April 1886

The challenge of combining and cataloging the society libraries is discussed.  The Ramblers' Walking Club is the latest craze at Dickinson.  The Sophomore Oratorical Contest is planned.  The recently formed Pennsylvania Inter-Collegiate Baseball Association is disbanded due to a lack of interested schools.  The Union Philosophical Society holds their anniversary, and the Baltimore Alumni Association holds a reunion. 

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, December 1894

Rumors that the girls of the college will form their own fraternity. Organization of Baltimore Alumni Association. Kappa Gamma initiations. Phi Delta Theta banquet. Criticism of the Athletic Association. Announcement of a new recitation hall.


Dickinsonian, June 1876

Baltimore Alumni Association meets. Schedule for commencement week. Belles Lettres Society holds sixth annual oratorical contest; James C. Nicholson wins. Union Philosophical Society holds its sophomore oratorical contest. Dickinson baseball defeats State Normal School of Shippensburg.


Dickinsonian, February 13, 1907

The Baltimore Alumni Association holds its annual banquet with Dr. George E. Reed and Prof. L.C. Prince as the principal speakers of the evening.  A Delta chapter of the Chi Omega fraternity is installed.  The Entertainment Course of the Civic Club is to be presented with Hon. E.W. Biddle as the guest speaker.  Phi Kappa Psi holds a dance in honor of the Franklin and Marshall's music club visitation to Carlisle.


Dickinsonian, February 22, 1905

The Mid-Winter Sports Contests will take place, but without girls basketball.  Kappa Sigma holds a Banquet to celebrate the third year of its founding. Alpha Chi Rho attends its annual convention in Philadelphia.  Pi Beta Phi held a well attended reception. The Baltimore Alumni Association holds their annual Banquet.  The sophomore co-ed class entertains the sophomore male class.  The Freshman class hosts a smoker.  Fraternity rules change, no freshman is allowed to rush before January 1st or live in the fraternity house their first year.


Dickinsonian, February 11, 1903

William Jennings Bryan to give a lecture in Carlisle at the invitation of the YMCA.  Dickinson Students' Banquet is planned.  Baltimore Alumni Association holds annual reunion banquet.  Belles Lettres Society celebrates its 117th anniversary with debates and music. 


Dickinsonian, February 14, 1902

Lincoln's Birthday Banquet in the Assembly Hall. Notes on Dr. Corey's lecture in Bosler Hall. Baltimore Alumni Association has their reunion. Notes on the upcoming celebration for Washington's birthday. Phi Delta Theta trolley ride to Mt. Holly. Debate between the Reed and Gamma Epsilon Literary Societies of the Preparatory School, the former the winner. Formation of Kappa Sigma.


Dickinsonian, March 20, 1930

Athletic Association holds annual D dinner.  Union Philosophical Society inducts new officers.  YMCA elects officers.  Dickinson Club of Baltimore holds annual dinner.  YMCA and YWCA to joint-present forum discussions.  Dickinson loses annual triangular debate.  Edward S. Kronenburg Jr. to present results of experiment with Professor Eddy to Pennsylvania Academy of Science.


Dickinsonian, November 5, 1948

Specialized research assistance introduced in the library. In its first official investigation, the Student Senate Disciplinary Committee names sixteen students as participants in vandalism at Franklin and Marshall, publicly reprimanding them. Dr. Elmer Herber of the Biology Department discusses his latest research into pregnancy tests. Baltimore Alumni Association host dinner and dance for students. Author and lecturer Frank Nipp spoke to the upper-class chapel about the danger of Communist expansion in China, tracing its development.
