Dickinsonian Newspaper


Dickinsonian Front Page

The Baltimore Alumni Association of Dickinson College holds their second annual reunion at the Merchants' Club in Baltimore, Maryland.  The YMCA holds its annual officer elections.

Dickinsonian Front Page

The college celebrates the birthday of George Washington as well as the 109th anniversary of the Union Philosophical Literary Society.  An alumni banquet takes place in Baltimore, Maryland.  The Gamma Epsilon Literary Society celebrates its annual banquet.

Dickinsonian Front Page

Lincoln's Birthday Banquet in the Assembly Hall. Notes on Dr. Corey's lecture in Bosler Hall. Baltimore Alumni Association has their reunion. Notes on the upcoming celebration for Washington's birthday. Phi Delta Theta trolley ride to Mt. Holly. Debate between the Reed and Gamma Epsilon Literary...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Presidential candidate Senator Eugene McCarthy drew thousands of dollars to his campaign speech in Baltimore. 206 students earned the Dean's List honor over the last semester. Dickinson professor Enrique Martinez is set to take a trip to Spain, the "mother country". State Senator Van Sant claims...

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