Dickinsonian, February 20, 1907

Elocution instructor Lucretia McAnney recites a lecture on Shakespeare in Bosler Hall.  The college YMCA and Glee Club offer a concert.  Judge E.W. Biddle gives an instructive lecture on "Carlisle old and new."  The Pennsylvania Gamma Chapter of the Pi Beta Phi fraternity gives a Valentine's reception and dance in Assembly Hall.

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Dickinsonian, February 13, 1907

The Baltimore Alumni Association holds its annual banquet with Dr. George E. Reed and Prof. L.C. Prince as the principal speakers of the evening.  A Delta chapter of the Chi Omega fraternity is installed.  The Entertainment Course of the Civic Club is to be presented with Hon. E.W. Biddle as the guest speaker.  Phi Kappa Psi holds a dance in honor of the Franklin and Marshall's music club visitation to Carlisle.


Dickinsonian, January 27, 1900

Judge E. W. Biddle gives a lecture at the Dickinson School of Law. Trustees of the J. Herman Bosler Memorial Library determine their committee members. Reception for the Freshman class is held in the Ladies' Hall. Comments about how West College smells like sweet potatoes. Day of prayer held in Allison M. E. Church.

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Dickinsonian, April 23, 1931

Several Dickinson men plan to go abroad this summer to western Europe and norther Africa. The Beta Psi fraternity and the Commons Club merge and now will collectively be called the Commons Club Incorporated. Edward Biddle, president of the Board of Trustees creates a committee of trustees that will consider men for the office of president of the college. The Microcosm is sent to the printers and will be ready for distribution for the price of $4.50.

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Dickinsonian, October 1, 1931

Senior Isabel Super dies of complications following appendicitis operation. Professional acts and favors to freshman are eliminated from rushing program. Microcosm awards contracts. Gerald Barnes becomes associate professor of sociology. Janet Sinclair becomes assistant librarian. List of freshman class members is notable for number of female students (permitted to make up 25% rather than 20% of class). Radio station adds voice transmission system and reaches Russia and England. Schedule for sorority rushing. YMCA and YWCA plan religious events. Garbage Scrap tradition (hazing) is ceased.


Dickinsonian, March 3, 1977

In this edition, an overall drop in the College's average GPA has caused some concern. Many believe it is the newly adopted plus-minus system, while others believe it is just natural. New "typesetting" equipment has been purchased by the College for "The Dickinsonian," worth about $16,045. Famous comedian, Steve Martin, is to perform in ATS at Dickinson. A student, Susan Soutner, researches ghost stories about Biddle House, Judge Edward W. Biddle, who apparently hung himself in Biddle House, and Abram Bosler, who apparently shot himself in the head in what is now the Admissions house.

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