Dickinsonian, November 30, 1945

Little Theater group to present two Christmas plays. Lt. Edward F. Murphy is guest speaker at Little Theater meeting. Social Service Committee organizes work with community service groups. New college term begun to accommodate returning ex-servicemen. College Athletic spirit returns to Dickinson as regular conditions resume. Concert of Neapolitan songs held in Allison memorial Church.


Dickinsonian, February 25, 1937

The basketball team loses to Gettysburg. The Greek Club discusses ancient Greek elements in present day life. The Executive Committee of the Athletic Association makes decisions on issues regarding the freshmen. The Microcosm revises its staff. The Social Service Committee plans to collect old clothing from families in Carlisle and distribute them to the needy. Four seniors have been recommended for foreign exchange programs in France and Germany. The basketball team wins against Carnegie Tech.

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Dickinsonian, December 11, 1941

A joint-committee is created to organize and coordinate extra-curricular activities to to help with defense service or preparation. The most recent Student Opinion Surveys of America poll has revealed that students believe that war increases opportunities. The Red Cross to create a unit on Dickinson's campus which will be affiliated with the Carlisle branch. Plans are starting to be made in case of attack, specifically a mock air raid will be staged on Sunday (directions for the air raid are included in this issue). Metzger Hall held an open house for faculty last week.

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Dickinsonian, November 1, 1941

Metzger Hall will revise its constitution in the coming year. Wheel and Chain continues its book drive for the Negro Community Center in Carlisle that formally opened on October 26. New mandatory class, "How to Make Good in College," created for Freshmen. Nation wide poll discovered that most American college students are opposed to changing the Neutrality Law to allow supply ships to be armed to enter war zones. It's Homecoming and many alumni are campus to participate in the festivities. Description of what it's like inside Metzger Hall.

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