Dickinsonian, December 12, 1896

The YMCA raises money for missionaries.  The results of the Athletic Association's annual officer election are announced.  Students are strongly encouraged to buy tickets for future Star Course events.  The Belles Lettres Literary Society elects officers for the year.  Students skate on the frozen creek.  The completion of Denny Hall is authorized by the board of trustees.  Dr. Prince is elected to the chair of History and Political Science.  A ladies literary society, the Harman Literary Society, is organized, and officers elected.


Dickinsonian, June 7, 1941

The Dickinsonian is ranked the second oldest college newspaper in the state. Dickinson offers a summer engineering course for recent high school graduates not entering college this fall. This is part of the federal government’s defense training plan. The points and hours system for extra-curricular activities, as well as the required activities and limits on activities for those in good academic standing, are eliminated and Student Senate reorganizes itself to govern under this new system.


Dickinsonian, March 20, 1941

March 3, 1773 is adopted as the official date of the founding of the college by the Board of Trustees, making it the eleventh oldest college in the nation and the oldest west of the Susquehanna River. President Fred Pierce Corson presents a creed for national defense in chapel, asserting that although the United States have not yet declared war, they are a part of the war. Corson appoints a committee of four faculty members and two students to review the extra-curricular activity point system that is being challenged.


Dickinsonian, October 23, 1941

Committee recommends that college end its policy on extra-curricular activities requiring participation with limits on number of activities as student may participate with. The thirty-one students arrested last week have each been ordered to pay a fine of $1.62. Dickinson's first all-college choir is created. Editorial on possibility of drafts and the role of education in men's lives. Dickinson's football team loses to Delaware 28-0. Inter-class badminton will be created for girls.
