Dickinsonian Newspaper

Dickinsonian, March 20, 1941

March 3, 1773 is adopted as the official date of the founding of the college by the Board of Trustees, making it the eleventh oldest college in the nation and the oldest west of the Susquehanna River. President Fred Pierce Corson presents a creed for national defense in chapel, asserting that although the United States have not yet declared war, they are a part of the war. Corson appoints a committee of four faculty members and two students to review the extra-curricular activity point system that is being challenged. Pan-Hell Week is planned for the sixth year which will reverse gender roles for an entire week, concluding with a dance. Eight of the nine fraternities on campus desire to create an Interfraternity Council that will regulate rushing, connect the Dickinson chapters with those of other campuses, communicate with alumni, attend to national issues and strengthen student government.
