Announcement of the Brockway performance. Dickinson wins against the Carlisle Indians in football. Article on the attack of the British legation in Peking.
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Announcement of the Brockway performance. Dickinson wins against the Carlisle Indians in football. Article on the attack of the British legation in Peking.
Dickinson defeats Ursinus 4-0 in a kick-filled football game that punctuates the differences from the modern game. Roswell Bates of New York City delivers a lecture in Allison M.E. Church.
The need of a drama club is discussed. Washington and Jefferson defeat Dickinson on the gridiron by means of a safety with a final scoreline of 2-0. Dickinsonians prepare for the game against Penn State.
President Nobel delivers his address to the freshman to launch the new school year. The Dickinson College Athletic Committee elects a new coach for the football team- Dr. S.W. Harrington, who had previously coached at the University of Pennsylvania. It is resolved that hazing or trespassing into...