Dickinsonian, May 11, 1896

Preparations for the Orchestra and Glee Club concert. Resignation of Professor Harman. Y. M. C. A. Northfield conference. President Reed's sixth anniversary as the head of Dickinson College. Phi Kappa Sigma smoker. Phi Kappa Sigma dinner.

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Dickinsonian, February 1889

Seniors enjoy a psychology lecture series put on by Dr. Rittenhouse.  Bishop Cyrus D. Foss speaks at the well-attended Day of Prayer for Colleges.  Professors Whiting and Harman host supper parties for the seniors.  A profile of President-elect Dr. George E.


Dickinsonian, October 2, 1897

The YMCA holds two special, well attended events, with speakers.  Professor emeritus Dr. Harman passes away.  The board of The Dickinsonian moves into a new room in West College.  Dr.


Dickinsonian, April 1882

Requests from the students for reduced fair rates on the Philadelphia Railroad are denied in the wake of conflicts with fare rates over winter break.  Plans to create a Dickinson songbook are scrapped.  The Inter-Collegiate Oratorical Contest is cancelled due to lack of interest.  Seniors are invited to share supper with Dr. and Mrs. Harman.  The Philadelphia Dickinson Alumni Association holds a banquet.

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Dickinsonian, June 2, 1874

Schedule for Commencement week. C. B. Staples lectures to Scientific Society; J. A. Barnitz is elected president of the society. Senior class has tea at house of Professor Henry Harman. Sigma Chi holds convention of Pennsylvania chapters at Dickinson. J. E. Price wins Belles Lettres Society sophomore oratorical prize; Union Philosophical Society holds sophomore oratorical contest but has yet to decide the winner. A Harrisburg team defeats the Dickinson baseball team.
