Dickinsonian, October 1883

Dr. Lippincott leaves Dickinson to become Chancellor of Kansas State University, and two new professors, Professor Durell and Dr. Rittenhouse, join the college's staff.  The sophomore baseball team beats the junior team.  An inter-society debate between the Union Philosophical Society and the Belles Lettres Society is planned.The Board of Trustees votes to construct a new Scientific Building between East and West College.


Dickinsonian, October 1890

Robert W. Rogers, Bradford O. M'Intyre, and Willard G. Lake become Dickinson professors. William Trickett is the new Law School dean. Professor Rittenhouse's former rooms in West College are converted into student rooms. Patton, '92, is elected football captain. An inaugural ceremony is held for the Dickinson School of Law.


Dickinsonian, June 1890

Professor Rittenhouse resigns. Mr. McAllister wins the Union Philosophical Society's annual oratorical contest. President Reed moves his residence from East College to the new presidential mansion. Union Philosophical Society elects officers. Field Day is held. Turpin, '90, represents Dickinson at the Intercollegiate Athletic Association's field sports competition. A new fraternity, Alpha Zeta Pi, forms. Mr. Hynson wins the Belles Lettres Society's annual sophomore oratorical contest.


Dickinsonian, February 1889

Seniors enjoy a psychology lecture series put on by Dr. Rittenhouse.  Bishop Cyrus D. Foss speaks at the well-attended Day of Prayer for Colleges.  Professors Whiting and Harman host supper parties for the seniors.  A profile of President-elect Dr. George E.
