Dickinsonian, February 9, 1910

Celebrations for Washington's Birthday are planned.  Phi Delta Theta holds its annual dance in the Armory.  A senior writes a letter to the editor on the deplorable state of the bathing facilities in the gymnasium.  Essays to compete for membership on the Dickinsonian board due soon.  Applicants are reminded that the positions require hard work.  Gaps left in baseball schedule because Carlisle Indian School not playing in 1910.

Note: Pages 5 and 6 are missing from the only copy of this edition known to exist.


Dickinsonian, September 22, 1909

Dickinson begins its 127th year with an assembly in chapel, including a speech by Dr. Reed.  Sophomores successfully put up their posters, unmolested by Freshmen.  Sophomore girls hold a reception for the Sophomore boys in Assembly Hall.  The YMCA holds its annual all college reception in Chapel Hall.  Freshmen posters must be up by October 14th.  Freshmen win agains the Sophomores in the annual rush.  Second Section holds a feed.  The subject for intercollegiate debate is announced.  Phi Delta Theta gives an informal dance.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, February 18, 1914

A complete layout for the proposed Honor System is to be voted upon by the student body. The Phi Delta Theta Fraternity held its annual dance in Metzger Hall. The Contemporary Club attempted to take a sleigh ride, but unfortunate circumstances caused them to return. Alpha Chi Rho had a similar tragedy, upon which they returned to the Fraternity house and celebrated there.  

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, November 21, 1896

Delta Chi holds a banquet.  The new Scientific Course is announced and its requirements and curriculum detailed.  A lecture series is announced.  The results of the Senior Class Day and Union Philosophical Society elections results announced.  Low attendance at the YMCA Star Course's first event is lamented.  Donations to support athletics at Dickinson are encouraged.   The establishment of a trophy room is proposed.  The class of 1899 elects its athletics committee.  Science facilities are improved with new laboratory space and an aquarium.&nbsp
