Dickinsonian, November 12, 1921

Freshman-sophomore football game ends in tie. Change made to method of selection of Dickinsonian editors. Union Philosophical Society elects officers. Confusion follows merging of men’s and women’s student senates. Women’s Student Senate creates a Pay Day on which all membership fees are due. YWCA creates employment bureau to find paid employment for its members. Q. E. D. initiates new member.


Dickinsonian, May 28, 1920

Elections for redesigned Senate are held.  Track team defeats Gettysburg.  Skitch-a-genee initiates new members.  Women's student government elects officers.  Baseball defeats Gettysburg.  Freshmen win inter-class track meet.  Rising seniors elect class officers.  French Club holds end-of-year social event.  Interfraternity League elects officers.  YWCA holds May Breakfast.  Women's student government will issue demerits to students who stay out too late. 

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