Dickinsonian, April 22, 1922

The Carlisle Chamber of Commerce supports the college's fundraising campaign. Nina Morgana will give a performance at the Carlisle Opera House. Updates on commencement. Notes on J. Stitt Wilson lecture. Eight Freshmen are chose in the Declamation Contest preliminaries. School superintendent election results. Belles Lettres Society and Law Club debate. Former athletic trainer at the Carlisle Indian School accepts position at Leland Stanford University. Pinchot for Governor Club is organized. Professor Mohler gives demonstration on liquid air. Greek Club will present play. Theta Chi formal.


Dickinsonian, October 13, 1923

The Men's Student Tribunal convicts two freshmen of serious infractions, resulting in the temporary withdrawal from the college of one of the offenders. The effort to develop an honor system by the honor committee continues with extensive surveys of such honor systems at other colleges. Changes are made to the physical education curriculum in order to provide students with a "Liberal Physical Education." Dickinson students may take part in an operetta sponsored by the Carlisle Chamber of Commerce.
