Dickinsonian, March 16, 1933

More plans made for the Sesquicentennial Ball. Rules within Metzger Hall tighten, making this article compare the conditions to a prison. The college's literary magazine, the Hornbook, is to release its second edition soon. Professor Carver fights against cuts to the education budget in the state legislature. Sigma Chi's canine mascot died after 14 years with the fraternity. Six men on the basketball team were awarded varsity letters. Athletic budget revised. 200th anniversary of Joseph Priestley's birth. The economic problems may impact the Junior Prom.


Dickinsonian, March 20, 1959

Honor Code is not ratified in student election. Tuition is raised. Dickinson joins Institute for American Universities' Junior Year in France Program. Jack Yahraes (Action Party) is elected Student Senate president. Changes in rushing season and girls' hours discussed at Communications Committee meeting. Raphael Hays succeeds his father as tennis coach.
