Dickinsonian, April 7, 1967

Varsity basketball coach Ed Ashnault to leave Dickinson for position at Colgate University. Student survey reveals approval of "Jan Plan", pass-fail courses, and a reduction in the number of distribution requirements. Rev. Gregory Baum to conclude College Lecture Series. Faculty to act on pass-fail proposal. Also to be considered is the elimination of the distribution requirement . Academic Programs Committee studies possibility of Jan Plan. Yale Prof. Vincent Scully to speak on architecture.


Dickinsonian, April 22, 1966

Planning and details of freshman orientation for the class of 1970 are discussed. Propositions for changes in the fraternity rush system are outlined and await faculty approval. Faculty postpone their vote on abolishing SFJC (Student-Faculty Judicial Council) in favor of an all faculty council. Dickinson will have its first sponsored Rally. The division of the philosophy department from religion is one of many academic changes coming to Dickinson. Dickinson will gain an Alpha Epsilon Pi chapter.


Dickinsonian, March 18, 1966

A sub-committee of the Social and Academic Affairs Committee plans to seek improvements on the Social Rules. Results of the "Andrews Report", a study providing incite into the College's image, ethics, and make-up. The results of an alumni questionnaire to demonstrate changing student opinions. The radical approaches of Goddard and Shimer College's are compared to Dickinson in a continuing series on liberal arts educations.
