Dean Hawkins will leave his post as college Dean. An open hearing held on graduation requirements examines four proposals made by the Academic Program Committee--1. "A student must complete and pass 34 courses with a cumulative average of 2.00" 2. "Students who have been admitted as degree candidates and are carrying three to five and one-half courses are full-time matriculated" 3. "The normal maximum of five and one-half courses may not be exceeded without permission of the Committee on Academic Standards" 4. "In computing a student's cumulative average, all courses shall have equal weight" The "Jan Plan" was also discussed. In an open hearing held, students generally favor the proposal to change Witwer and Malcolm to co-ed dorms. Faculty approves eight new courses in Political Science, Classical Studies, and Fine Arts. The Senate discusses resolutions to the preregistration procedures, limiting "outsiders" to Union facilities, reducing paper use as a result of inter-college mail room communications, and the election of five students to serve on the Subcommittee of Faculty Evaluation. Academic standing for freshman will not be judged until the end of second semester. Richard P. Schecter begins work as director of the Computer Center. New Ecological Courses are established. Students apply for NSF grants for two different projects: one will study and develop a method of biological control of the gypsy moth and the other will analyze pollution in the Carlisle water system. Freshman Plays are announced. Positive reviews are given to "The Ides of March" and "Stop the World-I Want to Get Off." A two page spread offers an overview of new courses to be offered in the spring. The schedule for final exams is posted. ROTC will hold their Annual Military Ball and nominations for Little Colonel are announced. The Chess Team takes the lead in their division. The football team closes a disappointing season with another loss.
