Dickinsonian, September 21, 1995

The national ranking of Dickinson College moves into the highest tier. Articles on the deaths of two faculty members, Amy Snow and Kurt Bair. The Classics Department receives a generous endowment of one million and thirty-four thousand dollars given by the Roberts Family. A petition from Earth Now circulates campus asking for the support of students against nuclear testing. The Clarke Center sponsors a panel to discuss the recent Bosnian tragedy. Professor Ronald Takaki of University of California, Berkeley guest lectures on multiculturalism in America.


Dickinsonian, February 7, 1980

Professor T. Scott Smith gives his "Last Lecture." The new gym is named after the late Josiah and Bessie Kline. Students attend a seminar hosted by Dr. William J. Beeners at Princeton Theological Seminary. Junior Colleen Miller is appointed Night Supervisor of the student union building - the first time a woman has held this position. The Public Affairs Symposium plans to discuss the nuclear power, and Dr. Barry Commoner will be the keynote speaker. The Second City comedy group performs. Women's Basketball wins against Johns Hopkins.


Dickinsonian, December 9, 1993

10-15 students will participate in February graduation. Sigma Chi fraternity hosted recovering alcoholic and founder of Collegiate Consultants on Drugs and Alcohol Mike Green, who talked about the dangers of excess drinking and drugs. Dean Allan announces his decision to resign from his administrative position, though he plans to continue teaching philosophy. Parking on Campus is deemed difficult and costly by students. Students from Toulouse wish a Merry Christmas. Men's basketball continues to be very inconsistent. The Ice hockey team continues to do well.
