Dickinsonian, May 14, 2008

Seven Dickinsonians receive Fulbright Scholarships while six others opt to Teach for America.  The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) honors Dickinson for its RecycleMania program.  Dickinson's new dean of admissions Stephanie Balmer prepares to assume her duties.  An overview of the evolution of the construction of the Rector Science Complex is presented.  CBS News correspondent and author Kimberly Dozier lectures Dickinsonians in the Stern Center about her time reporting from the war in Iraq.


Dickinsonian, February 24, 1983

College elects Senate officers (Bill Sapoch, Kurt Krauss, Pete Dahlin), Repositioning includes changes for football, poor attendance to Black History Program, Woodrow Wilson Visiting Fellow Milton Lyon speaks at lecture, Dean of the College George Allan speaks about college-preparation, EPA buys homes in Missouri, Professor Gary D'Lamater denied tenure, Annabella and Bow Wow Wow performs in Harrisburg, Dance concert "Bits of Broken Glass and Other Pieces" in Mathers Theatre, Coro Stelutis, choir from Bologna Italy performs, Ice Hockey rematch scheduled, Discussion of JV sports, Men's basket

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