Dickinsonian, March 26, 2008

Former President Bill Clinton is expected to speak on campus at the Kline Athletic Center.  Television stars Dule Hill (The West Wing, Psych) and Zachary Quinto (Heroes, 24) address Dickinsonians on Obama's candidacy and the importance of the young vote.  Trickett Hall undergoes major renovations.  A drinking age debate sponsored by the Clarke Forum for Contemporary Issues, James Chambers (class of 1978) and Niecy Chambers sparks discussion.


Dickinsonian, April 11, 1929

In response to the withdrawal from political cliques by two fraternities in the prior week, Theta Chi endorses a move for a reform of on campus politics.  The freshmen women of Metzger Hall with a B average are rewarded with the freedom to go out on all nights of the week exluding Monday, on which all students are bound to their living quarters.


Dickinsonian, April 4, 1929

The Chi Omega and Phi Kappa Sigma fraternities renounce on-campus ties to political cliques and vow to allow members to vote according to personal sentiments.  The Harrisburg Mozart Festival commences its second annual program of concerts at William Penn High School in Harrisburg.


Dickinsonian, November 1, 1947

Dickinson holds its twentieth Homecoming weekend, including a football game against Swarthmore. Senior Russell D. Fettrow receives the British Distinguished Flying Cross for his wartime service in the air force. Norman Thomas gives a lecture highlighting the need for disarmament and the basis of his socialist views. A guest editorial by Henry Wallace examining attacks on civil liberties in the right against communism appears. A small exhibit of college history is held in Bosler Hall. The administration declares a legal holiday for all students registered to vote.


Dickinsonian, September 24, 1992

Racism on campus is explored. Upperclassmen make sacrifices after financial aids cutbacks. Senior class campaigns with record numbers of candidates. Voter apathy increases among students. Interns experience Capital Hill first hand. Seniors learn about "life after college" in new course, Reality 101. Mountain bikers thrive at college. Kristin Aspen and Janna McAuslan of Musica Femina present musical tribute. Dickinson Singers begin new era at the college. Students in the Religion department get back to nature.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, June 26, 1970

The Trustee Committee of Long-range Planning will hold a conference to examine the previsions of the ten year budget plan and make revisions based on progress. Congress votes to lower the voting age to 18 and the law will go into effect Jan 1 1971 unless it is ruled unconstitutional.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, March 13, 1970

An All-College Assembly will be proposed at an open hearing called by the campus Governance Committee. It will require all faculty and students on college committees, as well as 18 faculty and 15 students elected at large, to meet. A change in the pass-fail grading system is proposed to give students until roll call to make a decision. The Environmental Teach-In Inc organizes Earth Day plans. Professor Bechtel and Dorsey Green propose a state wide "action conference" to encourage people to start fighting environmental issues. ACLU endorses that the voting age be moved to 18.


Dickinsonian, October 11, 1963

The state of Georgia hold Rutgers student on charges of insurrection for trying to register Blacks to vote. A New York theater company perform an Italian drama for a Cultural Affairs program. Dean informs students of new Pennsylvania drinking age law. Ingmar Bergman's acclaimed film, The Seventh Seal to be shown in Bosler. The Freshman Orientation Program is evaluated. Alumni Association to pursue interest in development. New Professor of Philosophy George James Allan emphasizes the importance of Liberal Arts. Problems of the African political system discussed by student.
