Dickinsonian, January 31, 1906

The Athletic Committee and President Reed discuss the possibility of introducing soccer to the campus on an inter-class and inter-fraternity level. The resources for a varsity team are not yet available, but if enough interest is shown such a team could be formed. The Intercollegiate Football Rules Committee amends the game, disallowing athletes to deliberately strike their opponents with fists, elbows, knees or feet in order to provide a safer environment for players. New rules are outlined for freshmen girls, including the regulation of parasol and hairpin use.

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Dickinsonian, October 4, 2007

The Senior Class Gift Drive is set into motion with a Wine and Cheese Kick-Off Event.  President William Durden hosts a First in America soiree and receives acclaim from Classic Style magazine for his bow tie.

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Dickinsonian, April 12, 1905

Andrew Carnegie gives $14,000 for improvements to Conway Hall.  The college prepares for the Track and Field season.  The lack of knowledge of Dickinson's songs is discussed.  The junior and senior classes meet to discuss the new rules concerning freshman rules.  The 1906 Microcosm is highly anticipated.

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Dickinsonian, October 1, 1992

Sukanya Krishnan wins senior president, Officers plan for senior year. Dr. Kesho Scott talks to Common Hour about Racism. Admissions looks to national rankings for sign of improvement. College strives to meet the needs of disabled students. Some class officers positions filled, few vacancies remain. Applicant pool more geographically diverse. Abortion and college campuses: the debate heats up as candidates voice their opinion. Political activism at college. Trout Gallery exhibits artists of the American west. College welcomes world class jugglers.

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Dickinsonian, September 24, 1992

Racism on campus is explored. Upperclassmen make sacrifices after financial aids cutbacks. Senior class campaigns with record numbers of candidates. Voter apathy increases among students. Interns experience Capital Hill first hand. Seniors learn about "life after college" in new course, Reality 101. Mountain bikers thrive at college. Kristin Aspen and Janna McAuslan of Musica Femina present musical tribute. Dickinson Singers begin new era at the college. Students in the Religion department get back to nature.

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