Dickinsonian, January 31, 1906

The Athletic Committee and President Reed discuss the possibility of introducing soccer to the campus on an inter-class and inter-fraternity level. The resources for a varsity team are not yet available, but if enough interest is shown such a team could be formed. The Intercollegiate Football Rules Committee amends the game, disallowing athletes to deliberately strike their opponents with fists, elbows, knees or feet in order to provide a safer environment for players. New rules are outlined for freshmen girls, including the regulation of parasol and hairpin use.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, June 11, 1954

181st Commencement Exercises to be the first to be held outside, with seven to receive honorary degrees. New set of social rules instituted, Social Code updated. Debate Council ends their most active season on record. Inter-Fraternity Council announces rushing rules for the upcoming academic year. New system of deferred rushing for women requires rules change. Phi Psi's take I.F. All-Sports trophy. Golf team ends season 6-2 and wins the Little Three Golf Title for the first time in seven years, surpassing all previous records. Allison Memorial Methodist Church destroyed in fire.
