Dickinsonian, April 12, 1905

Andrew Carnegie gives $14,000 for improvements to Conway Hall.  The college prepares for the Track and Field season.  The lack of knowledge of Dickinson's songs is discussed.  The junior and senior classes meet to discuss the new rules concerning freshman rules.  The 1906 Microcosm is highly anticipated.

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Dickinsonian, April 8, 1899

In the first game of the season, the baseball team wins 25 to 1 against Mercersburg. The coming track events are announced. The Y.M.C.A. committees are announced for the coming year. The intercollegiate and interscholastic races will be held on Franklin Field at the University of Pennsylvania. Thanks to The Dickinsonian, a book of Dickinson songs will be compiled. Improvements are being made to the athletic field.

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Dickinsonian, May 22, 1897

The Junior Cremation Play is a lively and well received affair.  Students spend an evening singing college songs.  The Juniors to hold a reception, instead of a promenade, during Commencement.  The Union Philosophical Society elects new officers.  Seven new yells are invented for the College by students, in response to criticism of the existing one.  The new Microcosm is very well received.  Those interested in track athletics organize and elect officers.
