Dickinsonian Newspaper


Dickinsonian Front Page

Announcement of the new editors of the Dickinsonian. Criticism of the course selection policy and process. Criticism of library procedure. Article on "Dickinson Catalogues of 1813-1890. 5 vols. 218 D.". The Middletown District convention was held. Phi Delta Theta's annual banquet will...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Annual Y. M. C. A. convention for the district was held in Mechanicsburg. The Y. M. C. A. holds an annual week of prayer. Comments of student voting.

Dickinsonian Front Page

The Freshmen win the annual Freshmen-Sophomore football game. Glee and Mandolin club trip to Mechanicsburg. Union Philosophical Society anniversary. Belles Lettres Society election results. Belles Lettres Society anniversary.

Dickinsonian Front Page

Response to criticisms of President Reed in the Pennsylvania Methodist. Details on the Glee and Mandolin clubs' trip to Mechanicsburg. Phi Kappa Sigma convention in Lancaster. Philadelphia Club banquet. The Liberty Bell made a stop in Carlisle on it's way to be delivered in North Carolina.

Dickinsonian Front Page

Faculty abolishes credit by examination. Student Senate votes to oppose steps taken by Faculty to do so. Dr. John Silber and Senator Birch Bayh to speak at Public Affairs Symposium. "Them Hog Ridin' Fools" review the Bonanza Streak Pit in Mechanicsburg. Local music artist Bradley "demonstrates...

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