Dickinsonian, October 2, 1964

In this issue, changes in Student Union rules are announced. Three students-Billie Brenn, Barry Warren, and Carol Sue Dry spent eight weeks this past summer as part of Project Africa. IFC holds weekend workshop. Cultural Affairs program to begin season with a chamber music program. Students hold panel discussions on foreign study. Live programs are being transmitted to the Carlisle Theatre via "Electronovision." An article reports the history of Denny Hall. Bosler Hall to exhibit woodcuts by Dan Miller of Philadelphia. Compulsory chapel and assembly programs are debated.


Dickinsonian, March 24, 1960

Glover Award to be presented to Harvard's Dr. M. Stanley Livingston, who will speak at the American Association of Physics Teachers, to be held at Dickinson. Cultural Affairs Committee to present Metropolitan Opera singer Theodor Uppman. IFC Weekend is being planned. Pi Phi pledges win first prize at Doll Dance. Belles Lettres to present the film "Potemkin." the Julliard String Quartet concert is given a favorable review. Inter-Fraternity winter sports season coming to a close. Charles Ream, Dickinson's wrestling and lacrosse coach, is profiled


Dickinsonian, March 11, 1960

The Action party wins Student Senate race, following large voter turnout. Pan Hellenic council to hold Doll Dance. Professor Paul Smith announces resignation. Follies slated to begin run. Its preview gets poor review. Educational Psychology class experiments with practicum approach. Priestley Day is celebrated. Anti-Defamation League conducts human relations study. WAF recruiting female officers. The Union Philosophical Society favors Nixon in November's election. Petition supporting ban of book tax is circulated. The Cultural Affairs Committee presents the Julliard String Quartet.

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