Dickinsonian, February 8, 2007

As fraternity rush season takes off, Kappa Sigma fraternity considers reapplying for recognition on campus after being suspended in 2004. The TV ad-hoc committee established recently by Student Senate releases a poll of potential cable channels to be added to Dickinson's repertoire. MOB and Delta Sigma Phi fraternity hold a CD release party for a local student band. A former technician in the biology department is charged with stealing $146,000 from the school by charging personal purchases to a department credit card and submitting false receipts for reimbursement.


Dickinsonian, May 4, 2001

Springfest occurred, met with good weather and mixed reactions from the student body. The first annual Deli Night was well-attended. Keith Rodgers and Skip Stevenson are doing a 50-hour radio marathon for autism. A lip syncing contest capped off Greek week 2001. The Student Senate held their last meeting of the year. Morgan Hall won the Freshman Olympics. Adam Ferullo reviews President Bush's first 100 days in office. A poll of students reveals that most freshmen are pleased with Dickinson, but that half of them have considered transferring.
