Dickinsonian, September 3, 1981

In this edition, overenrollment plagues the College again, spurring many new renovations and additions to buildings on campus. The freshman enrollment this year has set the record. The tradition of stealing the mermaid atop of the cupola has been changed to a race to find a hidden red devil. Seventeen members of the Skull and Key Honorary Society are being punished for throwing an empty keg through four fraternity houses windows.


Dickinsonian, August 31, 1978

In this edition, the school guarantees that there will be no housing shortage this year since four new houses have been leased on West Louther and Church Street. A rising interest in sororities caused a fourth sorority, Kappa Kappa Gamma, to be established on campus. Gaylor Barham, the minority affairs counselor, unexpectedly resigned from the College. The College's Mermaid that sits atop Old West's cupola has been permanently removed to the May Morris room and replaced with a replica.


Dickinsonian, October 4, 1967

Three separate incidents involving violence directed against Dickinson students and personnel by local Carlisle youths occurred over the past week, resulting in new security precautions taken by Dickinson campus police, including a second patrolman for the night guard and two way radios for communication with the Carlisle Borough police. The original mermaid from on top of Old West was returned after being taken to New York by a Dickinson dropout.
