Dickinsonian, September 19, 1996

Elizabeth Dole, wife of Republican presidential nominee Robert J. Dole, is to speak at the Kline Center. A new major in International Business and Management is being considered. Former Connecticut Governor Lowell Weicker spoke at Common Hour about the relevance of the Constitution in today's society. Professor of Physics, Priscilla Laws receives the Robert A. Millikan Award for the development of the Workshop Physics program. Rush Scholarships will be added to the financial aid package. Profile on Mike Helm, Director of Purchasing and Auxiliary Services.


Dickinsonian, September 28, 1995

Professor Marvin Minsky of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) receives the Priestley Award and gives a lecture on artificial intelligence. Dickinson moves to improve its financial aid program with the newly conceived Grant Guarantee Plan. Article discusses fraternities and sororities and the issues surrounding binge drinking. The Flexboard Meal Plan is offered to students for the first time. Dickinson Football defeats Susquehanna.


Dickinsonian, November 6, 1980

The issue of African American enrollment at Dickinson declining is addressed by Congress of African Students. College's financial aid program is deemed a stunning success. Ronald Reagan wins election. Danger of cults is addressed on campus. Murals are painted on the walls of Morgan and Adams Hall by students. The Mermaid Players put on their first performance of the year, "Museum."
