Dickinsonian, June 21, 1972

Construction of dorm (to be McKenney Suites) set to begin. Dr. Vernon and five students spend an archeological trip at the Pleasant Brook dig near Oneonta, New York. The Carlisle program PEER is underway under the direction of Assistant Chaplain Brian Lyke.


Dickinsonian, October 20, 1967

Campus Chest, Dickinson's only charitable organization, opens its funding drive with Luau. The student body prefers a fall delivery of the Microcosm. Faculty Frantics, led by Prof. Henry Yeagley, are scheduled to perform this night. Dickinson is set to host the regional Workshop of the United States Student Press Association. Kana Van Pelt of Fairbanks, Alaska, describes her experience in the Fairbanks flood of 1967.
