Dickinsonian, April 26, 1984

Phi Kappa Sigma will lose the lease for their house for at least the next 2 years. The Mock Presidential Convention nominates Reagan with 58.9% A variety of games, contests, foods, and entertainment will be offered this year at spring fest. Sen. Proxmire gives a fantastic speech as keynote speaker of the Mock Convention. The Arts House production of The Children's Hour receives mediocre reviews. The Outing Club sponsors a skydiving trip. The women's tennis team takes another victory. The varsity Golf team prepares for MAC Championships.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, April 19, 1984

Student Senate held an open forum concerning the recommendations made by the Student Affairs and Services Committee in regards to the 1984-84 alcohol policy. Predictions vary for the outcome of Dickinson's annual Mock Presidential Convention. Phi Beta Kappa visiting scholar Ellen Weaver gives lectures on the role of women in science. The Carlisle Zoning Board approves the construction of college townhouses on Louther street. Famous black poet Sonia Sanchez holds a reading and discussion of her works. Stevie Ray Vaughan and his band Double Trouble will preform at Spring Fest.


Dickinsonian, March 1, 1984

Student Senate Polls opened for elections and info on each candidate is provided. A merger proposed by Dean Allan between the Academic Standards and the Admissions and Financial Aid Committees is currently under debate by the Long Range Planning committee as such a merger would lower student representation. The Instructional Media Center is demolished and relocated to Bosler basement and ideas are proposed for a replacement. Sen. William Proxmire will deliver the keynote address for Dickinson's Mock Presidential Convention. Distinguished Israeli poet Yehuda Amichai will present on campus.


Dickinsonian, November 5, 1971

Bill Slocum, President of Kent State Student Body, writes letter to the editor requesting signatures for President Nixon so as to pressure him into granting a federal grand jury to the shootings incident. Faculty adds Biology 105, Biological Aspects of Contemporary Problems, to College curriculum. Environmental Studies 111 is also added. William T.R. Fox to present a Ganoe Memorial Lecture. Students to hold Mock Presidential Convention in ATS.
