Dickinsonian, March 7, 1991

Continued attacks on students prompt increase in campus security measures. Lt. Col. Lorna Strzelecki addresses College about womens' role in Gulf War. Peggy Sanday speaks on date rape. Alumna Major Marie T. Rossi is first female pilot killed in Gulf War. Profs. Douglas Stuart and George Friedman examine the U.S.' role in Gulf. With War having ended, Peace Action group focuses on other Middle East issues. Phil Woods and College's Jazz Ensemble "bring down the house." Multicultural Fair features array of entertainment.


Dickinsonian, February 28, 1991

Gulf War-inspired Silent Vigil for Peace takes place at town square. Health Center notes increased illness among students. Controversy over Senior Class President Mark Broadhurst resolved. 1991 Multicultural Fair and Black/African American Arts Festival begin. Men's basketball team advances to NCAA playoffs. Common hour speakers focus on U.S. refugee policy. Stephen Katz elected as Student Senate Vice President. College club examines Greek life. Peggy Reeves Sanday to lecture on date rape. Dance Theatre Group interprets popular songs. Independent Choreographers Exchange to perform.
