Dickinsonian, February 16, 2017

MOB sponsores Porsha Olayiwola's workshop on cultural appropriation and identity. Clarke Forum hosts panel on Islamaphobia. Play "The Vagina Monologues" hosted at the Cubiculo. Beta Epsilon sorority hosts annual "What's Love Got to Do With It" self-care event. Dickinson Model UN chapter is founded.  Salon discussion "Respectability Politics in the 21st Century" cosponsored by Clarke Forum, Popel Shaw Center, and Phi Beta Kappa. Clarke Forum hosts immigrant activists Hugo Castro and Jose Luis Hernandez Cruz to discuss their work with undocumented and disabled immigrants. 


Dickinsonian, April 29, 1949

President Edel to tour Israel with American Christian Palestine Committee delegation. Dr. Elmer Charles Herber's paper on pregnancy tests conducted on frogs to be published by Pennsylvania Academy of Science. International Relations Club delegates attend largest Model UN conference at University of Rutgers. Twenty-five delegates will attend the Intercollegiate Conference on Government in Harrisburg, where the Dickinson delegation is expected to dominate. International Relations Club to host open picnic at Pine Grove. Lincoln University President Dr.

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Dickinsonian, May 6, 1960

Campaigning has begun for class officer elections, to be held May 17. Wheel and Chain selects six new members. Five Dickinson students represented the college at the Mid-Atlantic Model UN General Assembly, held in Albany, NY. Jerome Kuykendall will chair the Parent's Advisory Council. Committee on Racial Discrimination is formed, and publishes the "Campus CRI-er." Parent's Weekend is success. Course changes for next year are announced. Annual ROTC award ceremony is held. Music students to hold recitals. Count Basie to perform at Spring Formal.

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